Monday, August 20, 2012
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» IRC Twitter BOT
IRC Twitter BOT
# Twitter IRC Bot
# This bot is one way communication with twitter.
# to use just edit the bot and change the twitter username and pass.
# then set it up in a channel
# then to send an update type:
# !twitter update text
# an update will be sent right away.
# the bot will also send a twitter update on topic change.
# awesome
# - harper
# thanks to b0iler for his page "Bare Bones IRC Bot In Perl"
# this script is largely based upon his barebones framework
use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::TokeParser;
use IO::Socket;
use URI::Escape;
# configure variables
my $ircserver = ""; #add your irc network
my $ircchannel = "#h-c"; #add your irc channel
my $nickname = "HC-twit"; #add your twitter bots nick
my $username = "twittwittwit"; #add your twitter bots name
my $twituser = ""; #add your twitter username
my $twitpass= ""; #add your twitter password
my $helpmessage = "I am the twitter update bot. I will update twitter for ".$ircchannel.". If you want to send an update just enter: !twitter <update text>. If you want to see all updates made - please visit".$twituser;
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
# connect to the IRC server
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $ircserver,
PeerPort => 6667,
Proto => 'tcp' ) or die "could not make the connection";
while($line = <$sock>){
print $line;
if($line =~ /(NOTICE AUTH).*(checking ident)/i){
print $sock "NICK $nickname\nUSER $username 0 0 :just a bot\n";
while($line = <$sock>){
print $line;
#use next line if the server asks for a ping
if($line =~ /^PING/){
print $sock "PANG :" . (split(/ :/, $line))[1];
if($line =~ /(376|422)/i){
#print $sock "NICKSERV :identify nick_password\n";
sleep 3;
# join the channel
print $sock "JOIN $ircchannel \n";
# main loop
print "/------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "| Twitter IRC Bot \n";
print "|----------------------------------------------\n";
print "|\n";
while ($line = <$sock>) {
#$text is the stuff from the ping or the text from the server
($command, $text) = split(/ :/, $line);
if ($command eq 'PING'){
#while there is a line break - many different ways to do this
while ( (index($text,"\r") >= 0) || (index($text,"\n") >= 0) ){ chop($text); }
print $sock "PANG $text\n";
#done with ping handling
($nick,$type,$channel) = split(/ /, $line); #split by spaces
($nick,$hostname) = split(/!/, $nick); #split by ! to get nick and hostname seperate
$nick =~ s/://; #remove :'s
#$text =~ s/://;
#get rid of all line breaks. Again, many different way of doing this.
$/ = "\r\n";
while($text =~ m#$/$#){ chomp($text); }
if ($command =~ /TOPIC/){
my $topic_update = "Topic changed by $nick: $text\n\n\n";
$topic_update =~ s/</[/g;
$topic_update =~ s/>/]/g;
my $topic_delurl = "http://" . $twituser . ":" . $twitpass ."\".$topic_update;
print $topic_delurl;
my $topic_response = $browser->post( $topic_delurl );
my $topic_responsetext = $topic_response->content;
print $topic_responsetext;
if ($topic_responsetext =~ /\<created_at\>/){
print $sock "PRIVMSG $ircchannel :* Twitter updated: ".$topic_update."\n";
print $sock "PRIVMSG $ircchannel :* Twitter update failed\n" ;
$topic_responsetext = "";
$topic_update = "";
if($channel eq $ircchannel){
print "<$nick> $text\n";
if($text =~ /^!twitterhelp(.*)/){
print $sock "PRIVMSG $ircchannel :* ".$helpmessage."\n";
if($text =~ /^!twitter (.*)/){
my $update = "[".$nick."] ".$1;
$update =~ s/</[/g;
$update =~ s/>/]/g;
my $delurl = "http://" . $twituser . ":" . $twitpass ."\". urlencode($update);
my $response = $browser->post( $delurl );
my $responsetext = $response->content;
print $responsetext;
if ($responsetext =~ /\<created_at\>/){
print $sock "PRIVMSG $ircchannel :* Twitter updated: ".$update."\n";
print $sock "PRIVMSG $ircchannel :* Twitter update failed\n" ;
$responsetext = "";
$update = "";
# subroutine: urlencode a string
sub urlencode {
my $ask = shift @_;
my @a2 = unpack "C*", $ask;
my $s2 = "";
while (@a2) {
$s2 .= sprintf "%%%X", shift @a2;
return $s2;
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