Mulyana Sandi

Belajar menulis dan berbagi ilmu melalui blog, sedikit tulisan semoga menjadi banyak manfaat :D.

Star Bolic

Belajar menulis dan berbagi ilmu melalui blog, sedikit tulisan semoga menjadi banyak manfaat :D.

Home Mini Server and VoIP

Banyak sekali perangkat yang terselubung diantara ilmu yang bermanfaat, perangkat kecil dengan hasil yang gak bisa di taksir.

Mulyana Sandi

Belajar menulis dan berbagi ilmu melalui blog, sedikit tulisan semoga menjadi banyak manfaat :D.

Antenna Star Bolic

Menembus jarak dengan perangkat yang murah meriah namun memerlukan kreatifitas dalam pembuatannya.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Broadcast Audio Online with Icecast Darkice and ezstream

f you ever wanted to broadcast your own voice or a mp3 playlist, here’s the solution for that. When I was exploring about online broadcasting, I found two popular audio broadcastingapplications those are Shoutcast (Windows) and Icecast (Linux). In this guide I’ll setup an Icecast server in Ubuntu. The reason why I choose to Linux based setup is because I don’t want to touch any GUI to setup the whole thing. Before you start prepare the basic requirements.

System Requirements

A computer with Ubuntu 10.04 or 12.04
A decent internet connection


First install the required applications.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install icecast2 darkice ezstream
sudo apt-get install openssh-server screen (If you want to manage the server remotely)
When installing icecast2 package you’ll be asked to change the password. Don’t leave the default password. Change it to something else.

How Streaming Works

There are two type of streaming.
1. Live voice streaming (using Darkice).
2. Streaming a premade mp3 playlist (using ezstream).
  • Icecast is the broadcaster which needs to be feeded by another application.
  • Darkice will get the line-in and feed into icecast2 in mp3 format.
  • ezstream will feed the mp3 playlist into icecast.

Setting up Live Streaming

Create a directory called ‘livestream’ in your home directory
mkdir /home/irfad/livestream
Create config file and paste following code
nano /home/irfad/livestream/darkice.cfg
duration = 0 # duration of encoding, in seconds. 0 means forever 
bufferSecs = 1 # size of internal slip buffer, in seconds 
reconnect = yes # reconnect to the server(s) if disconnected

device = pulse 
sampleRate = 44100 # sample rate in Hz. try 11025, 22050 or 44100 
bitsPerSample = 16 # bits per sample. try 16 
channel = 2 # channels. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo

bitrateMode = vbr # variable bit rate (cbr for constant) 
quality = 1.0 # 1.0 is best quality 
format = mp3 bitrate = 64 # bitrate 
server = localhost # or IP 
port = 8000 # port for IceCast2 access 
password = PASSWORD # source password to the IceCast2 server 
mountPoint = live.mp3 # mount point on the IceCast2 server
Change <PASSWORD> to Icecast server password which we setup while installing icecast.
Save the config file and run the following command.
sudo darkice -c /home/irfad/livestream/darkice.cfg
Now open up your web browser and go to

Streaming a Playlist

Create directories in your home directory called ‘mp3streaming’ and ‘mp3store’
mkdir /home/irfad/mp3streaming /home/irfad/mp3store
Now copy all the mp3 files which you want to broadcast into tha mp3store directory.
Create playlist file in mp3stream directory and enter the paths of mp3 files line by line.
nano /home/irfad/mp3streaming/playlist.txt
Save the playlist and create the config file and paste the codes.
nano /home/irfad/mp3streaming/ezstream.xml
<svrinfoname>Geek Radio</svrinfoname> 
<svrinfodescription>Geek Radio Station</svrinfodescription> 
<!-- No advertising on a public YP directory --> 
Change the <PASSWORD> to access Icecast server.
Start streaming by typing
ezstream -c /home/irfad/mp3streaming/ezstream.xml
Now go to http://localhost:8000/myradio.mp3 in your web browser.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Install Apache PHP MySQL di Ubuntu Linux

PHP merupakan bahasa pemograman untuk membuat website. PHP tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, umumnya PHP membutuhkan Apache sebagai server dan MySQL sebagai database backendnya, karena inilah, maka paket ini sering disebut dengan AMP(Apache, MySQL, PHP) . Sayangnya instalasi PHP dan kawan kawannya (Apache dan MySQL) di Linux tidak semudah di Windows Mikocok. Jika anda memakai OS Mikocok , anda akan mendapatkan kemudahan instalasi seperti Wamp atau XAMPP. Ketika kita menginstall software tersebut, secara otomotasi PHP, Apache, mySQL dan PHPmyAdmin sudah terinstall didalamnya.
Instalasi ini harus di lakukan secara urut agar tidak terjadi errror. Untuk instalasi kita membutuhkan koneksi internet. Instalasi di mulai dari Apache, PHP, MySQL dan yang terakhir adalah PHPMyAdmin. Sekedar catatan, kita akan memakai apache versi 2 dan PHP versi 5. Di contoh ini, penulis memakai ubuntu 10.10 dektop.

Instalasi Apache2
buka terminal dan ketikan perintah dibawah ini, jika anda muncul pertanyaan tentang depedensi paket, pilih saja Yes/Y.
sudo apt-get install apache2
setelah selesai instalasi, Apache2 langsung di jalankan secara default oleh ubuntu. Untuk mengetes apakah apache sudah berjalan, silahkan buka http://localhost
Jika tampilan yang muncul adalah tulisan “It’s Work” maka instalasi berhasil.
Instalasi PHP5
sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
sudo apt-get install php5-cli
sudo apt-get install php5-cgi
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
selanjutnya restart apache dengan perintah
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Untuk mengetest hasil instalasi ,
buatkan script php sederhana seperti dibawah ini, simpan dengan nama info.php simpan di folder /var/www/info.php

buka halaman http://localhost/info.php
Instalasi MySQL dan PHPmyAdmin
masih di terminal, ketikan perintah berikut untuk menginstall mySQL
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
kemudian kita akan mengedit pada bagian /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, untuk mengeditnya dapat kita tuliskan perintah berikut pada terminal:
gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Setelah file tersebut terbuka, silahkan anda tambahkan code berikut :
Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
taruh pada bagian bawah atau atas.
terakhir kita kembali restart apache dengan perintah
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
saat instalasi mungkin anda muncul beberapa pertanyaan, misal anda diminta memasukan password mysql, atau memberi password mysql server, jika diminta masukan saja passwordnya root, root.
Sekedar catatan, user di mysql adalah root dan secara defult passwordnya kosong.
setelah selesai buka halaman http://localhost/phpmyadmin.
Jika salah satu instalasi gagal, kemungkinan karena anda kurang teliti dalam menuliskan perintah atau repo anda belum di update.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pemancar TV Mini UHF 470-580 MHz dan VHF

Pemancar TV UHF
Rangkaian pemancar TV bekerja pada channell UHF, kanal frekuensi 470-580 MHz 21-34. Pemancar ini dapat memancarkan sejauh 30-100 meter dengan menggunakan kabel antena 10-20 cm.

pemancar TV membutuhkan pasokan tegangan 9-15 Volt. Namun, Anda juga dapat menggunakan baterai 9v.
Ini adalah hal yang penting untuk diingat untuk membangun dari rangkaian ransmitter tv adalah bahwa dimensi ukuran kumparan agar sesuai dengan frekuensi kerja yang diinginkan. Nilai kumparan adalah membuat coil sebagai berikut:
L1, L2 = 3 lilitan, diam. 3mm, kawat 0.5mm
L3 = 2 lilitan, diam. 3 mm, kawat 0.5mm
Ini sirkuit elektronik adalah RF Power Amplifier untuk mengemudi pemancar kecil UHF TV. Its gain is 7dB and can amplify a signal between 450-800 MHz. Keuntungan adalah 7dB dan dapat memperkuat sinyal antara 450-800 MHz. Lebih baik menggunakan PCB double layer dengan lapisan kedua dihubungkan ke bumi. Gunakan catu daya 25 volt dan stabil di 5Amps setidaknya.

Tuning dapat dicapai memutar dua kapasitor variabel. Do not forget to use heat sink for both transistors, specially for the BLW89 and it would be better if you place a small fan as well. Jangan lupa menggunakan heat sink untuk kedua transistor, khusus untuk BLW89 dan itu akan lebih baik jika Anda menempatkan sebuah kipas kecil.
1. PCB polos ukuran 10 x 20
2. Konektor RG58
3. Kabel RG58 18m
4. Modulator (bekas VCD)
5. Connector input audio video
6. Driver tingkat pertama :
a. Transistor c930 : 1 biji
b. Resistor 18k : 1 biji
c. Resistor 5k6 : 1 biji
d. Resistor 100Ω : 1 biji
e. Resistor 56Ω : 1 biji
f. Kapasitor 15pf : 3 biji
g. Kapasitor 2n2 : 1 biji
h. Kapasitor 4n7 : 1 biji
i. 1L : 5 lilitan (pada koker 4mm)
j. 2L : 5 lilitan (pada koker 4mm)
k. 3L : 5 lilitan (pada koker 4mm)
l. 4L : 1 lilitan (pada koker 4mm)
7. Driver tingkat menengah :
a. Resistor 3k3 : 1 biji
b. Resistor 15k : 1 biji
c. Resistor 5,6Ω : 1 biji
d. Kapasitor 20pf : 1 biji
e. Transistor c2053 : 1 biji
f. Trimmer 0,20pf : 1 biji
g. 5L : 3 lilitan (pada koker 4mm)
h. 6L : 5 lilitan (pada koker 4mm)
8. Driver tingkat final :
a. Transistor c1970 : 1 biji
b. Resistor 1k8 : 1 biji
c. Resistor 12k : 1 biji
d. Resistor 1Ω / 1watt : 1 biji
e. Kapasitor 2n2 : 1 biji
f. Trimmer 0,25pf : 2 biji
g. Trimmer 0,50pf : 1 biji
h. Lilitan 5L
i. Lilitan 4L
j. IC 7805 : 1 buah (untuk tegangan modulator keluaran arus 5V DC)
k. Heat sink : 1 buah
9. Power Suply sudah dalam bentuk jadi type 2L 117W ACMATIC dengan tegangan output
13,8 volt


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cloud Computing, 10 Web Operating Systems

A Web Operating System is a Web platform which allows the user to use a virtual Desktop through a web browser rather than using any particular local operating system. This amazing technology allows a user to access their own virtual desktop from anywhere around the world, without even using a network like with a remote PC. In addition, you are essentially using the Internet to work as a desktop, rather than an actually desktop computer. Wikipedia specifically states that: “Cloud Computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid.” Today I have provided some great examples of Cloud Computing, Web Operating Systems for you all to try. Enjoy!

Eye OS

Eyes OS is a disruptive desktop entirely usable from a web browser. It includes an office suite and some collaboration applications, as well as a full framework to develop new web apps as if they were desktop apps. It’s Free and Open Source –so you can host your own system, keeping all your data under your control.


amoebaOS is an advanced Online Operating System. Log in to your free account and join a cloud computing revolution that begins with great apps like Shutterborg, Exstream and Surf.


myGOYA is a free online operating system. Your own personal desktop can be accessed from any Internet PC in the world and includes e-mail, chat, filesharing, calendar and an instant messenger. Manage your contacts from anywhere in the world.


The CorneliOS Web OS is an easy-to-use, multi-user and cross-browser “Web Desktop Environment”, “Web Operating System” or “Web Office” and comes with a set of cool applications.

Lucid Desktop

Lucid comes with lots of applications. You can browse photos, listen to music, and edit documents. It also comes with an RSS feed reader, some games, a calculator, and a bash-like terminal application. You can install additional third-party applications, which allows you do do even more!

Glide OS

Glide OS 4.0 is a comprehensive Ad-Free cloud computing solution. Glide provides a free suite of rights-based productivity and collaboration applications with 30GBs of storage. Setup and administer up to six family member accounts including child accounts from your Glide settings panel. The Glide OS provides automatic file and application compatibility across devices and operating systems. With Glide OS you also get the Glide Sync App which helps you to synchronize your home and work files.


Currently it is primarily possible to manage, view and edit your files within the Online Operating System. Moreover you can use a comprehensive groupware suite to manage your e-mails, contacts and tasks. It is also possible to develop your own application and to share your experiences with other OOS users. The set of available applications is continuously extended, which means that it might be best if you take a look at the currently available functionality at yourself.


With Startforce, you can run Windows apps such as MS Office, Adobe Acrobat and Quickbooks. You can also stitch in web apps such as, Google or your company’s intranet web apps.


ZimdeskOS is your computer on the web – the entire functionality of a PC – online. There is nothing to install. A web browser and internet connection are all you need to access your desktop, files and favourite applications. You can access your data anytime from anywhere, from any PC.


Kohive is an online desktop where you can easily collaborate with others. It’s perfect for freelancers, small businesses, students and groups with similar interests.

4 free open source NMS

A Network Management System (NMS) is a combination of hardware and software used to monitor and administer a network. NMS systems make use of various protocols for the purpose they serve. For example, SNMP protocol allows them to simply gather the information from the various devices down the network hierarchy. NMS software is responsible for identification of the problem, the exact source of the problem and solving them. The NMS systems not only are responsible for the detection of faults but also for collecting the statistics of the devices over a period of time. They may include a library where the previous network statistical data over a period of time is stored along with the problems and the solutions that worked in the past. This library can come useful in case a fault is found. NMS software can consult the library and search for the best possible method to resolve the problem.
In this post I gathered top 4 Free Open Source Network Management Software that you can use as an IT Administrator in your network, Whether you run small or enterprise network, you will find those tools handy and effective in doing your monitoring work as simple as it could be.

Available at:
Manage Everything IT…for Free! Spiceworks is the complete network management software, helpdesk, PC inventory tools & IT reporting solution designed to manage everything IT in small & medium businesses.

Available at:
OpenNMS is the world’s first enterprise grade network management application platform developed under the open source model.

Available at:
openQRM is the next generation, open-source Data-center management platform. Its fully pluggable architecture focuses on automatic, rapid- and appliance-based deployment, monitoring, high-availability, cloud computing and especially on supporting and conforming multiple virtualization technologies.

Available at:
Designed to provide all fundamental management and monitoring capabilities for web applications and IT infrastructures.
Hyperic HQ