Mulyana Sandi

Belajar menulis dan berbagi ilmu melalui blog, sedikit tulisan semoga menjadi banyak manfaat :D.

Star Bolic

Belajar menulis dan berbagi ilmu melalui blog, sedikit tulisan semoga menjadi banyak manfaat :D.

Home Mini Server and VoIP

Banyak sekali perangkat yang terselubung diantara ilmu yang bermanfaat, perangkat kecil dengan hasil yang gak bisa di taksir.

Mulyana Sandi

Belajar menulis dan berbagi ilmu melalui blog, sedikit tulisan semoga menjadi banyak manfaat :D.

Antenna Star Bolic

Menembus jarak dengan perangkat yang murah meriah namun memerlukan kreatifitas dalam pembuatannya.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Asterisk PBX SMS sending

Download: ngsms (perl script) 

Video:Ozeki NG SMS Gateway for Asterisk PBX (part 1/1, configure your system)
Asterisk is an open source IP PBX platform. With Ozeki NG SMS Gateway you can add SMS functionality to Asterisk PBX. Once you have Ozeki NG SMS Gateway installed, you can send voice mail notifications, fax notifications, missed call alerts and SMS text messages on various events. This SMS Gateway provides a much better option for SMS messaging then the built in SMS functionality of Asterisk. Ozeki NG SMS Gateway can use GSM Modem(s) attached to your server and IP SMS connections (SMPP, UCP, CIMD2, etc) to send the SMS messages.

How does it work?

To get the system working, you have to attach a GSM phone or GSM Modem to your PC with a phone-to-PC datacable (Figure 1.). This GSM phone will send the SMS messages. After the phone is attached, you need to install the Ozeki NG SMS Gateway software and configure the GSM Modem in it. Ozeki NG - SMS Gateway will be responsible for encoding the messages and for handling your phone. The next step is to install the ngSMS extension to Asterisk PBX. The ngSMS module can be downloaded on this webpage. It makes it possible for you to use the ngsms command in your asterisk configuration files.

Figure 1 - Asterisk integration with SMS Gateway
The ngsms module and Ozeki NG - SMS Gateway can be located on two different computers. Often Ozeki NG and the GSM modem is installed on Windows XP and Asterisk PBX with ngsms is running on a Linux box. When the Asterisk PBX would like to send an SMS message, the ngsms module will perform an HTTP request to Windows XP machine running Ozeki NG - SMS Gateway and Ozeki NG will send the message through the attached GSM Modem.

How to use

In this example Asterisk runs on Ubuntu Linux and Ozeki NG SMS Gateway runs on Windows XP.

On Figure 3 you can see the IP address of the computer on which Ozeki NG SMS Gateway runs. The IP address is

Figure 3 - IP address of the computer where Ozeki NG SMS Gateway runs
Start Terminal on Ubuntu Linux (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Start Terminal on Ubuntu
If Terminal is launched install Asterisk with the following command:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

We done VoIP GSM the gateway of Tp-link mr-3020 and Huawei E-171 — a part second — we added Siemens Gigaset c470IP and SMS

We done VoIP GSM the gateway of Tp-link mr-3020 and Huawei E-171 — a part second — we added Siemens Gigaset c470IP and SMS
There are such standard of ETSI of 201 912 SMS for «terrestrial lines» (landline sms zap. sources) as it appearing it support by Gigaset c470IP and sms can send us VoIP, ha learn it wanting to make «a rearrangement of sms» i.e. all that came in dongl are sen on Gigaset C470 IP and on the contrary — that there were a possibility to send to sms with C470IP in an external world through dongl, all it will happen as well as in the first part on tp-link mr-3020 under openwrt, the final configuration and a few pictures also will be show.
For those who passing the first part, in it I telling about basic setting of openwrt and asterisk on tp-link 3020 with usage of pivotroot on exterior flesh of storage of the kard-reader of dongl of Huawei E-171. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Build a Twilio Hard Phone with SIP from Twilio, Raspberry Pi, Asterisk, FreePBX, and the Obihai OBi100

This post used the Dial and SIP TwiML verbs and the Twilio Message Rest API
If you have worked with Twilio before, you have surely heard that sweet, sweet ring of your phone many times. But today, we are entering uncharted territory – you are going to learn how to make a phone ring without it even being connected to a traditional phone network! All you need are some simple pieces of hardware and that old landline phone that got shoved into the back of your closet years ago.
Twilio Hard Phone
Now, you may have seen our previous Arduino-focused tutorials on building your own Twilio Robot and automating your home with Twilio SMS but today we are going to try something new and use the amazing miniature computer called Raspberry Pi.

Getting Started

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cara install Asterisk di OpenWrt

Udah pasang OpenWrt di TP-Link TL-WR841N, lebih asik di buat untuk VoIP deh, yuk ikuti cara instalasinya :

1. Update Paket :
$ opkg update

2. Install Paket Asterisk :
$ opkg install asterisk18 asterisk-gui asterisk18-app-system asterisk18-chan-local

3. Edit http.conf :
$ cat /opt/etc/asterisk/http.conf
enabled = yes
enablestatic = yes

4. Edit manager.conf :
$ cat /opt/etc/asterisk/manager.conf
enabled = yes
webenabled = yes
secret = admin
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,config,read,write,originate
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,config,read,write,originate

5. Buka di Browser :

Cara Reset OpenWRT ke Pengaturan awal di TP-Link TL-WR841N

Duh, bingung nih, OpenWRT salah konfigurasi sampai gak bisa masuk ke sistem nya, nah... untuk cara ressetenya begini nih... :

  1. Setting LAN komputer kita dengan IP :, Gateway :, Netmask :
  2. Tekan QSS sampai blinking (kedap-kedip lampu sys) TP-Link TL-WR841N
  3. Buka Telnet (jangan ssh) lalu masuk ke alamat IP
  4. Kalo sudah masuk ke OpenWRT kita gunakan beberapa perintah berikut :
  5. Pindah ke JFFS2 : root@OpenWRT:/# mount_root
  6. Ubah Password : root@OpenWRT:/# passwd
  7. Cek IP OpenWRT : root@OpenWRT:/# uci get network.lan.ipaddr
  8. Reset : root@OpenWRT:/# firstboot
  9. Hapus berkas : root@OpenWRT:/# mtd -r erase rootfs_data
  10. Nyalakan ulang : root@OpenWRT:/# reboot -f

Simple dan mudah kan?

Source :

Monday, December 1, 2014

Top 20 Free Digital Forensic Investigation Tools for SysAdmins

Here are 20 of the best free tools that will help you conduct a digital forensic investigation. Whether it’s for an internal human resources case, an investigation into unauthorized access to a server, or if you just want to learn a new skill, these suites and utilities will help you conduct memory forensic analysis, hard drive forensic analysis, forensic image exploration, forensic imaging and mobile forensics. As such, they all provide the ability to bring back in-depth information about what’s “under the hood” of a system.
This is by no means an extensive list and may not cover everything you need for your investigation. You might also need additional utilities such a file viewers, hash generators, and text editors – checkout 101 Free Admin Tools for some of these. My articles on Top 10 Free Troubleshooting Tools for SysAdminsTop 20 Free Network Monitoring and Analysis Tools for Sys Admins and Top 20 Free File Management Tools for Sys Admins might also come in handy since they contain a bunch of tools that can be used for Digital Forensic Investigations (e.g. BackTrack and the SysInternals Suite or the NirSoft Suite of tools).
Even if you may have heard of some of these tools before, I’m confident that you’ll find a gem or two amongst this list.


The SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT) is an Ubuntu based Live CD which includes all the tools you need to conduct an in-depth forensic or incident response investigation. It supports analysis of Expert Witness Format (E01), Advanced Forensic Format (AFF), and RAW (dd) evidence formats. SIFT includes tools such as log2timeline for generating a timeline from system logs, Scalpel for data file carving, Rifiuti for examining the recycle bin, and lots more.
When you first boot into the SIFT environment, I suggest you explore the documentation on the desktop to help you become accustomed to what tools are available and how to use them. There is also a good explanation of where to find evidence on a system. Use the top menu bar to open a tool, or launch it manually from a terminal window.

02 ProDiscover Basic

ProDiscover Basic is a simple digital forensic investigation tool that allows you to image, analyse and report on evidence found on a drive. Once you add a forensic image you can view the data by content or by looking at the clusters that hold the data. You can also search for data using the Search node based on the criteria you specify.
02 ProDiscover Basic
When you launch ProDiscover Basic you first need to create or load a project and add evidence from the ‘Add’ node. You can then use the ‘Content View’ or ‘Cluster View’ nodes to analyse the data and the Tools menu to perform actions against the data. Click the ‘Report’ node to view important information about the project.

03 Volatility

Volatility is a memory forensics framework for incident response and malware analysis that allows you to extract digital artefacts from volatile memory (RAM) dumps. Using Volatility you can extract information about running processes, open network sockets and network connections, DLLs loaded for each process, cached registry hives, process IDs, and more.
03 Volatility
If you are using the standalone Windows executable version of Volatility, simply place volatility-2.1.standalone.exe into a folder and open a command prompt window. From the command prompt, navigate to the location of the executable file and type “volatility-2.1.standalone.exe –f <FILENAME> –profile=<PROFILENAME> <PLUGINNAME>” without quotes – FILENAME would be the name of the memory dump file you wish to analyse, PROFILENAME would be the machine the memory dump was taken on and PLUGINNAME would be the name of the plugin you wish to use to extract information.
Note: In the example above I am using the ‘connscan’ plugin to search the physical memory dump for TCP connection information.